We Are All Connected by Gabi Garcia


We Are All Connected
by Gabi Garcia and Illustrated by Natalia Jimenez Osorio, follows the warmhearted story of multiple characters who share and practice different values such as empathy and respect. The story begins with an illustration of the galaxy and of the world, referring to how the human race is all part of one "dot" within space. As the story goes along, the author talks of maintaining a positive aspect to the world and that we should all be kind to one another, instead of projecting any negativity or harmful words. We see a diverse group of children, adults, even animals and nature throughout all of the illustrations and the story heavily emphasizes the idea of living together as one human race in order to provide care for the Earth in which we live on! 

Anti-Bias Elements:

- The illustrations depict multiple cultures, races and ethnicities without showing any stereotypical components and creating equal opportunities amongst the characters. There is proper representation being displayed throughout the story.

- The book is also available in Spanish which means it is available to more people who do not speak English. 

- The story provides great examples that encourage Social Emotional Learning as there are many situations mentioned or illustrated that show how to provide compassion or empathy towards others when they might be feeling upset or emotional. 
